Tom Smith

This website is for some non-academic publications, but see ResearchGate or Google Scholar for peer-reviewed and academic work on postcapitalism, community economics and socio-ecological transformation. 

I also offer comprehensive language editing services - please see

I hold a PhD in geography and sustainable development from the University of St Andrews, Scotland and worked as Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic, and a postdoctoral fellow in geography at LMU, Munich. In Winter 2020, I took up a research residency at the Rachel Carson Centre, Munich.

I have worked as an editor at the Dark Mountain Project, where I curated, commissioned, edited and contributed to six books. I have also written on issues related to the environmental movement, ecology, society and economy, for various outlets including OpenDemocracy, the Earth Island Journal,, Humans & Nature, Dissident VoiceDark Mountain.

Get in touch:

Email: thomas.sid.smith[at]
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Tom Smith - Ecological Writing
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